Monday, February 8, 2016

Snicker bar

Why I choose my product

I choose my product because it is one of my favorite candies. I find that it would not be too much of a bad idea to actually research it. Of course when you watch the commercials they tell you how good it is and attempt to persuade you into buying it, but they don't tell you the long list of ingredients. Like everything else the Snicker bar has the ingredients written right on the side of it, and I just look past it not truly paying attention to it. Its kind of like walking into a dark room and yes you know there are your casual things like chairs, tables, carpets, and yet you enjoy the feeling but not really knowing what else is surrounding you in that room.

My 3 questions regarding the Snicker bar
1) Why don't they tell you the ingredients in the commercials?
2) Who thought up the idea of this candy bar?

3) Where was the Snicker bar first made at?

Ingredient #1
Chemical name:

  • Sucrose

Chemical formula 

  • C12H22O11 
Health Effect Info from:

Health Effects:
1) Causes blood glucose to rise and fall
2) Causes tooth decay
3) Increases the chance of obesity

Chemical prop: 

  • Its dissolves in water 
  • Does not burn

Physical prop: 

  • Melting point of 366.8 Fahrenheit. 
  • Freezing point of 1 degree Celsius 
  • Density of 1.59 g/ml
  • Color white
  • Either sweet or none
How it's made:
To get the natural juices from the Cane Stalks, they are squeezed and shredded. After that it is boiled until it reaches a point of thickness and molasses-rich sugar crystals start to rest. From there the crystals are sent to a fast spinning centrifuge to strip it of the the molasses to leave white pure sugar crystals. After all of that the sugar crystals are then set to dry.

Sugar is put in the Snicker bar to increase the flavor and make it sweet.

Lewis dot structure of  corn syrup
Ingredient #2
Corn syrup:
Chemical name: 

  • None
Chemical formula:

  • C6H12O6
Health Effect Info from:
Health Effects:
1) Increases the chance of obesity and disease
2) Can lead to Lipogenesis


Chemical Prop:

  • Dissolves easily in cold water
  • Does not burn
Physical prop:

  • liquid
  • Odorless
  • Light yellow or clear
How it's made:
 is different from high-fructose corn syrup which is made from corn syrup by turning a large amount of its glucose into fructose using the enzyme D-xylose isomerase, which makes a sweeter mixture because of higher levels of fructose.

Corn syrup is in my chosen product to increase the sweetness.

Ingredient #3
Skim Milk
Chemical name:

  • None
Chemical formula: Mixture of many compounds

  • Flunixin
  • Keloproten
  • Naproxen

Health Effects from:

Health Effects:
1) Increases risk of prostate cancer tumor


Chemical props:

  • Able to be mixed with water
  • Can be burned

Physical props:

  • Liquid
  • Freezing point of skim milk depends on the ingredients
  • Boiling point of 212 degree Fahrenheit 
  • Color of white
  • No smell
How it's made:
Skim milk is actually more than just regular milk without fat. It is milk that's restored with synthetic vitamins to change what is lost in the fat removal, and dried milk powder to replace protein and calcium lost during the process. 

Skim milk is added to the Snickers bar ingredient because it's healthy and for texture as well as to take away the hard chocolate alcohol flavor in chocolates original ingredients